What a pleasure it is to usher in The Journal of Biocommunication (JBC) Volume 30, Number 1. This is the inaugural issue of JBC’s first full volume produced both electronically, via the World Wide Web, and printed as a compendium. Issues 2 and 3 will be launched, respectively, this summer and fall. And, in the winter of 2005, all three issues will be published as a printed compendium — an anthology of this year’s offerings.

In order to make all of this happen, JBC has undergone a revolution. By one definition, a revolution is: “change brought about rapidly.” This certainly has been the case for JBC in keeping pace with ever-changing communication technologies. Indeed the time had come for JBC to be published electronically and the Management Board and Editors have embraced the challenges of this new paradigm. This current electronic issue represents the combined production and Web site efforts of Gary Schnitz, AMI’s President, and Janet McAndless-Capstone, Inc. We all greatly appreciate their hard work, along with that of our Associations’ Editors.

The content and layout of the electronic version of JBC is still evolving. Currently, the index lists Features, News, Gallery, Tech Bytes, 25 Years Ago in JBPA/JBP, and News. We anticipate adding new columns in future issues, such as a review section titled New Products, and an Editorial segment to stimulate discussion of topical communication issues. And, the Archives section will enable access to previous JBC electronic issues, and is linked to the complete JBPA/JBP archive.

Finally, I wish to invite everyone to submit material to your Journal. As always, the content of any given issue is dependent on materials submitted. I would especially like to extend an invitation to our motion-media colleagues to consider forwarding their work, both video clips and computer animation, for display in a medium that can indeed make their work “come alive”. So whether you create still or motion-media biocommunications, please consider sharing your work with your peers through the JBC. Our Editors will be happy to assist you in preparing your submissions. In advance, thank you for participating!

View the new online JBC at

Bob Turner,
Chair, JBC Management Board

The JOURNAL OF BIOCOMMUNICATION (J.Biocommun) is indexed in Index Medicus, Current Index in Journals in Education, Biological Abstracts — RRM (Reports, Reviews, Meetings), Hospital Literature, Dental Abstracts and Middle East: Abstracts and Index. ISSN: US0094-2499.

Produced in the U.S.A. and © 2003/2004 by The Journal of Biocommunication, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication is supported by members’ and public subscriptions and is published quarterly.

Volume 30, Number 1 produced by The Association of Medical Illustrators.



THE JOURNAL OF BIOCOMMUNICATION is available to all paid members of the ABCD, AMI, BCA, and HeSCA. Other individuals and institutions are invited to subscribe: individuals at $36, libraries or institutions at $45, students at $32 per year.

Address subscription correspondence to
R. Sokolowski, Eastern Business Service, 39 Wedgewood Drive, Suite A, Jewett City, CT 06351 Phone: (860) 376-8150; Fax: (860) 376-6621

Direct editorial communications to respective association editors.
ABCD: Ken Michaels, SAIC-Frederick Visual Communications, National Cancer Institute at Frederick, P.O. Box B, Bldg. 362, Frederick, MD 21702, (301) 846-1057; AMI: Gary Lees, Johns Hopkins University, Art as Applied to Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 1830 E. Monument St., Suite 7000, Baltimore, MD 21093, (410) 955-3213; AMI: Mark Lefkowitz, Biomedical Visuals, 132 Oak Hill Dr., Sharon, MA 02067, (781) 784-5293; BCA: Joe Ogrodnick, Communications Services, NYSAES, 632 W. North Street, Geneva, NY 14456, (315) 787-2324; HeSCA: Thomas Singarella, Health Sciences Lib. & Biocommunications Ctr., Univ. of Tennessee, Memphis, 877 Madison Ave., Memphis, TN 38163, (901) 448-5694; or the management board chairman: Robert C. Turner, BioMedical Graphics, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, TPC-22, La Jolla, CA 92037, (858) 784-8233.

Management Board: Robert C. Turner, chairman (The Scripps Research Institute) • Carol Asimow Gray (UCLA Medical Center) • Susan G. Deihl (Virginia Commonwealth University) • Bob Turner (The Scripps Research Institute) • Gary Schnitz (Indiana Hand Center) • Gillian Duncan (Rochester, MN) • Bradley Smith (University of Michigan)

Electronic Editor: Janet McAndless (Capstone Solutions, Inc., Colorado Springs, CO)

Editors: Ken Michaels—ABCD • Gary Lees & Mark Lefkowitz—AMI • Joe Ogrodnick—BCA • Thomas Singarella—HeSCA

Editorial Review Board: Scott Barrows (Medical Art Associates) • Janis Brown (University of Southern California) • Susan G. Deihl (Virginia Commonwealth University) • Craig Gosling (Indiana University) • Christine Gralapp (Fairfax, Calif.) • Jamie Guth (Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center) • Winifred Hamilton (Baylor College of Medicine) • Tom Hurtgen (Duke University School of Medicine) • Dale Kennedy (VA Medical Center - Albuquerque, N. Mex.) • Lori J. Klein (National Library of Medicine) • Dale Knorr (Naval Medical Center, San Diego) • Gregory Lucier (University of Calgary) • Patrick Lynch (Yale University) • Steven Moon (Ohio State University) • Darisse Paquette (Tufts-New England Medical Center) • Stephen Pendry (Iowa State University) • Michael Peres (Rochester Institute of Technology) • Sue Seif (Seif & Associates.) • Bobb Sleezer (Logix,Inc.) • Herbert R. Smith, Jr. (Houston, Tex.) • Keith Stenehjem (Mayville State University) • Judy Tyler (National Student Nurses Association) • John Vetter (Pittsburgh, Pa.) • Gilbert Sosa (UT Health Science Center at San Antonio) • Susan Zimmerman (Wordcraft Communications)

Associate Editorial Group:
Cover and Gallery: Vacant Reviews: Ellen J. Nathan (Butler University) Abstracts: Gary Dandurand (Loyola University) Viewpoint/Insight: Vacant

Business Manager:
Ronald Sokolowski

Promotions Manager:
Carol Asimow Gray

Production Group: Capstone Solutions, Inc.

JBC Vol. 30, No. 1 2004