Online Journal Archives Search

A full text search of all journal articles is planned to coincide
with the online publication of JBC issues in Volume 30. Abstracts and tables of contents will be available for public viewing,
with complete articles limited to subscriber login.

An online Cumulative Index is available for the Journal of the Biological Photographic Association (JPBA) and the Journal of Biological Photography (JBP). This index includes the publication years 1932 through 1997 and articles in Volumes
1-47 for the JBPA and Volumes 48-66 for the JBP.

Also, a complete set of the Journal of Biocommunication (JBC), Volumes 1-28, 1974-2001, has been reproduced (electronic text quality) as a four-disk CD-ROM collection (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0/newer). The JBC CD collection is available for purchase, in limited quantity, for
$50.00 US/set, plus shipping and handling, from:

The Journal of Biocommunication
c/o Eastern Business Service
39 Wedgewood Drive, Suite A
Jewett City, CT 06351 USA
(860) 376-8150


Photo showing bound issues of the JBPA and JBP, Volumes 1-67, 1931-1999, including recently incorporated JBP issues of the Journal of Biocommunication. Also depicted is the available JBC CD-ROM Collection.

JBC Vol. 30, No. 1 2004